Last night was History being made.I just hope as black people we get out an vote!
This is very easy you have a 2Nd coming of Bush in McCain a person who thinks Americans our doing okay and that we are just having a "Mental Recession"...
You have a Barack a person really about change for Americans...
I still here black people everyday saying I am not sold on Barack?? So you are sold on McCain?? Hello there are only two Candidates running for office so its either Right or Left or Up or Down..Why use energy to even say that you not total sold on Barack? I am not here to force my views on anyone this is whats on mind..
Who would ever think there would be so much talk about politics in the black community as now.
I was at 7 Eleven today talking with older black guy in his mid 60's.He asked me did I see the speech last night and I was like yea I did..He went on to tell me that that Barack did well last night..He also told me something I did not know.
The guy told me long before Barack said he would run for office that if he ran for office that he knew that he would be killed.I was like really? He went on to say we seen what happen to Kennedy and Regan and with today technology its even easier..
The guy said he hoped that Barack would really watch his back...
So in a nutshell Barack is putting his life on the line for his family and for a Americans for a better life for Americans. This country is very sad.I know no other presidents has to worry about being killed when running for office as much as Barack does...
We as a black community need not be blinded by Music and Cars and Money these next 4 months determine what the next 4 years will be like in this country.Think about the big picture 4 months of Focus or 4 years of Failing as a country...
In the words of Don King "Only In America"
Friday, August 29, 2008
Four More Months!!
Posted by
9:35 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Super-Yacht Inspired Range Rover Concepts
Luxury yacht brokerage Edmiston has commissioned seven avant-garde marine designers to come up with a nautical-themed take on Land Rover's classic Range Rover. The entry shown here, by self-described "yacht design pioneer" Dickie Bannenberg, features wooden side panels and a tailgate that folds into a nautical-style wooden bench, complete with champagne holders, while the rear windshield converts into a sun visor to shade it. The winner of the design competition will be announced on Sept. 25th during the Monaco Yacht Show, one of the megayacht community's biggest annual events. Visitors to the show will be able to custom order a Range Rover in any of the seven designs, with a delivery time of three to six months and a price range of about $300,000 - $1.2 million.
Posted by
9:19 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Vick Story
Broke Vick's expenseses listed incl. bill for daughter He is losing 12 g's per month
Documents show Vick losing $12,000 per month
According to bankruptcy court papers, QB’s monthly income than $280
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Michael Vick is losing nearly $12,000 a month according to court documents filed Tuesday in his bankruptcy case.
Vick’s Schedule of Assets and Liabilities, admittedly incomplete, were filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court and obtained by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Wednesday.
In the documents the imprisoned Falcons quarterback lists average monthly expenses of $12,225 and a monthly income of just $277.69. The difference is $11,947.31. Vick’s monthly income is solely derived from a benefit pension plan and does not include the wages of 12 cents per hour he earns working in prison.
Vick, serving a 23-month federal prison sentence on felony charges related to dogfighting, filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy last month.
Vick lists total assets of just over $10 million. He also lists nearly $19 million is liabilities, which includes claims, some disputed, against him by creditors.
Four houses, three in Virginia and one in Georgia, are listed as real property with a value of $6.4 million.
Vick lists known personal property assets of $3.5 million.
Several personal property assets are listed with an unknown value and the documents indicate that Vick will file an amendment. According to the court documents, much of the work organizing Vick’s financial affairs was done by David Talbot and are incomplete.
Vick filed court papers last week seeking to remove Talbot from consideration as an financial advisor after he was charged with securities fraud in New Jersey in an unrelated case.
“Given the uncertainty surrounding the collection and ownership of certain assets and the valuation and nature of certain liabilities … to the extent that [Vick] may show more liabilities than assets, this is not an admission that [Vick] was insolvent at the Petition Date or any time prior to the Petition Date.”
Vick’s attorney, Peter R. Ginsberg, could not be reached for comment. According to his office he was traveling and unavailable.
In his personal property, Vick lists several life insurance accounts, two boats with a total value of $190,000 and a 2006 Bentley. Court documents indicate that it is unknown if that car was sold or is another Bentley co-owned by Vick’s company, MV7, LLC.
In further evidence of Vick’s uncertainty about his finances, documents list several bank accounts with a value of $0 because Vick “does not have in his possession documentation showing that there is money in the accounts.” One checking account is listed with a balance of $4,111.73.
Listed under personal property is a potential claim against AXA Life Insurance and/or Michael Smith, of of Vick’s former agents, for excessive fees in the amount of $1.4 million.
Also listed is a potential claim against former financial advisors including, but not limited to, Mary Wong, Williams & Bullock, Robert F. Craig, Lawrence Woodward (his attorney) and Talbot.
Vick’s finances were in such disarray that a judge was asked to appoint a trustee to oversee his estate. A hearing will be scheduled to consider the request.
Included in the court documents requesting the trustee, Talbot and Wong are named as advisers that have not acted in Vick’s best interest. Vick is asking Wong to account for $550,000 he gave her when she was hired as a business manager.
Vick’s current monthly expenditures for one of his Virginia homes is listed below. The document will be amended to reflect Vick’s other homes, according to the court documents.
Rent or mortgage payments: $4,500
Electricity and fuel: $700
Water and sewer: $100
Telephone: $300
Pest control: $400 (3-4 months)
Home maintenance: $400
Food: $1,600
Clothing: $500
Laundry and dry cleaning: $75
Medical and dental: $300
Transportation (not car payments): $1,800
Charitable contributions: $800
Auto insurance: $550
Medical maternity
Posted by Maddison on August 20, 2008 at 8:40pm in General Bullshit
Posted by
11:32 PM
The winner is?
Damon Dash Faces Foreclosure
Posted Aug 20th 2008 6:01PM by Deidre Woollard
Filed under: Estates, Celebrity Shopping
Another big spender joins the celebrity foreclosure follies. This time it's Roc-A-Fella Records company co-founder Damon Dash and his wife, fashion designer Rachel Roy. The high-profile pair could lose two of their Manhattan apartments. Eastern Savings Bank says the couple owe $7.3 million on the properties and were supposed to make hefty monthly payments of $78,500 but haven't done so since January. Dash has a $100,000 federal tax lien on the properties and reportedly owes the city of New York $2 million in back taxes. Damon Dash is allegedly has a $50 million fortune amassed from his hip-hop empire.
Posted by
8:48 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Friend or Fake
I am back to blogging yea it's me Mr.Entertainment.I have to say that blogging is the best thing in the world next to the Internet.Thanks Al Gore for the making the Internet LOL!
The thing I love about blogging is that I can speak my mind on anything in the world and my voice and thoughts can be read from the East Coast to Durban....
My question today are you a Friend or a Fake???
I would consider myself and Friendly and honest stand up man..I never been on that Bitchassness...I am willing to extend myself as friendly and a friend.When do you choose to move on to bigger and better in life and move in a different Stream and not the same Whirlpool??? You know 1 2 3 years later same things going on nothing has changed....The term Friend I guess over the last 20 years has been used out of text of what the true meaning of friend really means...Keep reading it gets better...
A friend is A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. Someone who is always there for you in time of need. Won't laugh at you or judge you..
Are you a Friend or Fake? The tough part is that this answer may change as you do.
As you change, what you need in a friend will change? This means it's okay to have short-term friends and longer term friends.
A friend will always allow you to be an individual and not impose their will on you, or require that you lead them with your will.Friendship and freedom go hand in hand; the minute you feel pressured - to conform, to give too much, to not be able to give the part of yourself you need to share, the ability to withhold the part of yourself you need to keep - then it's not a friendship, it's a power struggle.
Friendships can still be challenging - and they should be - because it takes energy (positive and some negative) in order to stretch and to grow.
A short term friend will stretch you, but not necessarily grow with you; it's okay, you may need the stretch.
Just know when to let the distance accumulate.
A long term friend will stretch you, and also be their when you're both through stretching. Just remember, you're not twins, you don't have to do everything at the same rate.
Read Think & Reflect what are you Friend or Fake?
Posted by
9:53 AM
Friday, August 15, 2008
Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe/New Jag!!!
Find more videos like this on BALLER ALERT - ENTER THE LIFE OF BALLERVILLE
Find more videos like this on BALLER ALERT - ENTER THE LIFE OF BALLERVILLE
Posted by
6:09 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Lisa Raye McCoy
LisaRaye McCoy and Turks & Caicos Premier Michael Misick are not going to make it. Their marriage, ceremony in 2006, has turned into a wave of destruction. Allegations of rape, misappropriation of funds, adultery (I guess Rocsi from “106 & Park” has been rumored to be Michael’s side chick), and a recent domestic abuse situation have now turned into a press release battle.
Michael released his statement of separation, and now LisaRaye has said her peace on TVLisa has been thrown out of her husband’s mansion and is said to be staying at a local resort!Dam Lisa.... LisaRaye was in Los Angeles on Sunday, appearing as a judge at a local children’ pageant.LOL!!! She flew back to the Turks and Caicos Islands on Monday, with the intent to repair her marriage. To Late that's what you get for running the Streets of Ny Like you single...
Missick did not have the same intentions and announced on Tuesday that he will be filing for a divorce from his wife. She was not allowed to move back into the mansion.
LisaRaye decided to go to the mansion last night to confront her husband, regarding a divorce settlement. I take it the negotiations did not go well since it resulted in a PHYSICAL FIGHT. Missick is said to be livid about photos that popped up on the Internet of his wife and a mystery man while she was partying in NYC with rapper, Lil Kim
I think Lisa needs to pack her bags and leave before she comes up Missing like that white girl in Aruba..I am not sure why she said she is going to stay there..Maybe to push up on her husband friends for that good pay back sex...LOLI guess...The jokes on her I know that after six months of dating this was not love..She was and is a Gold Digger...
Posted by
2:13 PM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Think About it
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
—Albert Schweitzer
Posted by
7:24 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Weekend Events
Ibiza will be nice they have a Roof Top.
Love if the Air is working.
Sat Layla will be nice this just opened.
Pose on a Sat will be cool to..
Posted by
11:34 AM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
T-MAC PAYING $54,156 a yaer
The groupies are losing!!!
With a few exceptions, it's usually pays to drop a baby by a baller. Ask the baby mother's of Diddy who is getting an average of $30k a month per child.
Tracy McGrady has been going through a paternity case. The judge ruled and he must pay his baby momma $54,156 a year for child support, plus insurance and tuition.
Her lawyer argued that she should get $204,000 a year that is equal to McGrady's $21.6 million annual income.
Of course, his lawyer said that she was using the child support to enhance her personal lifestyle.
McGrady shares a six-bedroom, 23,000-square-foot house with a pool outside Houston with his wife and three children. He spends $5,000 per month on a chef and $1,732 for a housekeeper.
McGrady and his family spend about $45,000 per month for personal travel, sometimes on private jets. The children went on trips to New York, to North Carolina a dozen times -- to Florida about the same number -- and to Atlanta, California, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Bahamas, Mexico, the Virgin Islands, and Rio de Janeiro.
They stay at Ritz-Carltons, have private preschool and tutors, and get thousands of dollars of clothes every month.
The moral of the story is just because you drop a baby by a baller doesn't mean you are going to be living in luxury.
Posted by
7:42 PM
Okay not sure were to start with the blog today...Gossip or Sports or Parties....
This Wed opening of a wed night spot...Should be a good look So you have club Layla on wed and The Park and 14Th on Thur...At this rate DC will be like NEW YORK in no time...FYI NEW YORKERS only go to clubs during the week...I GUESS...I go to hard for during the week parting...
Uncle Luke reality show is very funny...This is Not RUNS HOUSE LOL there were a few strip club shots during the show.VH1 also has a new show called " I want to work for Diddy".Diddy claims after you have worked for him you are CEO Material...
Steve Smith beat the breaks off of Ken Lucas...Dam I heard he never throw a punch...
His eye needed a steak....
James, Wade and Anthony
So, you must’ve read this weekend that allegedly Dwayne Wade and ‘em went to some Chinese massage parlor to get more than massages. Well, it was made into a big deal. Everyone knows what is up with those parlors has they have some right here in NYC. But the REAL PROBLEM is that the groupies cannot afford Beijing! They have to settle for the Asian chicks. This only means that the groupies gotta to start working and up that paper. You need money to get here! This is where you snag real ballers—overseas! They are bored, they want attention and it is so easy to get next to next them.
This is from Whether it’s true or not, point remains the same, get your ass over to Beijing! just got its hands on the following report - from a Chinese tabloid. Thanks to the folks over at BlackSportsOnline for the tip!
Here is the rough translation of the report. We're not 100% sure what they're saying - but we saw the words "prostitution" and "massage services" in it and our ears perked up. See if you can figure out what it means:
Wednesday 0:30, James, Wade and Anthony at a staff member, accompanied by walking out, "Shen Gong" to Macao a "fight to" the "gold fish tank"-style sauna and entertainment centre.
They arranged by hotel limousine to the pier near places of entertainment, it is worth mentioning that the three Taiwan Qingchejiancong, and no special security measures. It is learnt that the "playing the" sauna and massage services entertainment center about 90 minutes AUD 1500, the three stars in "fighting the" selection of all Vietnamese women technicians, said Macao and Vietnam technicians in the best massage techniques and the most Popular..
For full story go
Posted by
2:13 PM