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Friday, August 29, 2008

Four More Months!!

Last night was History being made.I just hope as black people we get out an vote!
This is very easy you have a 2Nd coming of Bush in McCain a person who thinks Americans our doing okay and that we are just having a "Mental Recession"...
You have a Barack a person really about change for Americans...

I still here black people everyday saying I am not sold on Barack?? So you are sold on McCain?? Hello there are only two Candidates running for office so its either Right or Left or Up or Down..Why use energy to even say that you not total sold on Barack? I am not here to force my views on anyone this is whats on mind..

Who would ever think there would be so much talk about politics in the black community as now.

I was at 7 Eleven today talking with older black guy in his mid 60's.He asked me did I see the speech last night and I was like yea I did..He went on to tell me that that Barack did well last night..He also told me something I did not know.

The guy told me long before Barack said he would run for office that if he ran for office that he knew that he would be killed.I was like really? He went on to say we seen what happen to Kennedy and Regan and with today technology its even easier..

The guy said he hoped that Barack would really watch his back...
So in a nutshell Barack is putting his life on the line for his family and for a Americans for a better life for Americans. This country is very sad.I know no other presidents has to worry about being killed when running for office as much as Barack does...

We as a black community need not be blinded by Music and Cars and Money these next 4 months determine what the next 4 years will be like in this country.Think about the big picture 4 months of Focus or 4 years of Failing as a country...

In the words of Don King "Only In America"
