First-Time Marathoner
This is a bare minimum schedule (from a 15-mile-per-week base for at least one month to a peak of 35 miles per week). Click here for a printer-friendly version.
M T W Th F Sat Sun Total
Base off 3 off 3 off 6 3 15
1 off 3 off 3 off 8 3 17
2 off 4 off 4 off 6 4 18
3 off 3 off 4 off 10 3 20
4 off 5 off 4 off 8 4 21
5 off 4 off 3 off 13 3 23
6 off 4 4 4 off 8 4 24
7 off 4 4 4 off 15 off 27
8 off 4 4 4 off 10 3 25
9 off 3 4 4 off 16 3 30
10 off 5 5 5 off 12 3 30
11 off 4 4 4 off 18 3 33
12 off 5 6 5 3 12 4 35
13 off 4 4 4 off 20 3 35
14 off 5 6 5 off 12 4 32
15 off 4 4 4 off 20 3 35
16 off 4 4 4 3 15 3 33
17 off 4 4 4 off 6 5 23
18 off 4 4 3 off 2 26.2 13+race
First-time and Casual Marathoner
This is the preferred schedule for most first-time marathoners and for experienced marathoners who choose to train moderately (from a 20-mile-per-week base for at least one month to a peak of 40 miles perweek). Click here for a printer-friendly version.
M T W Th F Sat Sun Total
Base off 3 4 4 off 6 3 20
1 off 3 4 4 off 8 3 22
2 off 4 4 4 off 8 4 24
3 off 4 4 4 off 10 4 26
4 off 4 4 4 off 8 4 24
5 off 4 4 4 off 13 3 28
6 off 4 5 4 off 10 4 27
7 off 4 4 4 off 15 3 30
8 off 5 5 4 off 12 4 30
9 off 4 4 4 off 18 3 33
10 off 6 5 4 4 12 4 35
11 3 5 5 5 off 20 off 38
12 5 6 off 6 4 13 6 40
13 off 6 5 5 4 20 off 40
14 4 6 5 6 off 13 6 40
15 off 4 4 4 4 20 off 36
16 4 4 3 4 off 15 3 33
17 off 5 4 5 off 4 6 24
18 off 4 4 4 off 2 26.2 14+race
Training Strategies
Mileage: The schedules contain detailed mileage recommendations. They begin with a base that should be maintained for at least one to two months prior to following the sample build-up programs. The base should be about 50 to 75 percent of your peak mileage goal and include long runs at least twice a month that are at least one-third to one-half your goal long run distance for the training program. Reaching a solid base prior to May or June—or even going a bit beyond these recommendations—will make you that much stronger and better prepared for the rigorous build-up training period. But 18 weeks of serious training is a long time, so be careful not to burn out before marathon day.
During the training program, first-time and casual marathoners should gradually build to a peak of 30 to 40 miles per week, hold it for at least six to eight weeks, then taper down over the last two to three weeks prior to race day. Veteran competitive marathoners should gradually build to 40 to 70+ miles per week (depending on their experience and goals), which they hold for at least six to eight weeks, then taper down over the last two to three weeks prior to race day. Cut back on mileage when ill, injured, overtrained, or when going into or out of key races. Do not attempt to make up lost mileage.
Long Runs: The most important ingredient to marathon success is the long run; it mirrors the marathon itself. “Going long” is a hallowed weekend tradition that is despised and loved, feared and revered, bragged and complained about. First-time and casual marathoners should gradually increase the length of long runs and complete at least three runs of 18 to 20 miles prior to the marathon.
Do not attempt to run long every weekend. Plan your long runs well in advance so you can get them in every other weekend. Veteran marathoners should run long every other weekend or two of every three over the last three months prior to the race. They should attempt to get in at least five or six runs of 20 to 23 miles. No marathon runner should attempt a long run that will take longer than four hours; the result would be severe fatigue and vulnerability to injury. The last long run should be two to three weeks prior to the marathon. Do not attempt to combine long runs and races on the same weekend.
Speedwork: First-timers benefit from some speedwork because it helps them improve running form and mental discipline. Ease into these workouts and complete only one a week unless you are monitored by a qualified coach. Sample workouts include: 4-6 repeats up a 200-400 yard hill at 5K-10K race pace; 6 repeats of a half-mile at 5K-10K race pace with a 3-minute recovery; 3-4 repeats of one mile at 5K-10K race pace with a 4-minute recovery.
Experienced marathoners need to improve their speed in order to be able to zip through a marathon at a pace that is faster than their normal daily training pace. They should start with one speed workout per week and, perhaps, later build to two. Sample workouts include: 6-10 repeats up a 200-400 yard hill at 5K-10K race pace or faster; 6-8 repeats of a half-mile at 5K race pace or faster with a 3-minute recovery; 4-5 repeats of one mile at 5K-10K race pace with a 4-minute recovery; a 20-30 minute tempo run at 10-mile to half-marathon race pace. For further information on speed training, consult The Competitive Runner’s Handbook or attend NYRR Running Classes that emphasize marathon training.
Other Resources from NYRR
Running Classes: NYRR Running Classes, directed by Bob and Shelly Glover, are held in 10-week sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The sessions beginning in May, August, and October include an emphasis on marathon training, with speed training workouts to improve form, pacing, endurance, mental discipline, confidence, and race times. Each year, more than 500 class members complete the ING New York City Marathon. Both first-time marathoners and veterans looking to improve their times benefit from these classes.
Fitness Classes: NYRR also offers classes that complement your running workouts: Deep Water Running, BriX Bike-Run, Strength and Flexibility, Healthwalking, IM=X Pilates, and Agility and Endurance. NYRR members pay reduced fees for all classes; registration in advance is required.
Clinics: NYRR clinics and lectures help runners prepare for the ING New York City Marathon and other races. These clinics are helpful for first-time marathoners as well as those looking to run a personal best.
The Runner’s Handbook, The Competitive Runner’s Handbook, and The Runner’s Training Diary by Bob Glover and Shelly Glover include several chapters on marathon training and racing for novices as well as for those aiming for improved times. [Online shop]
Races: Many first-time and casual marathoners race only the marathon distance. However, build-up events are recommended to learn how to handle pacing, fluid replacement, shoe and clothing choices, etc. Veteran marathoners benefit from build-up races to gain strength, speed, and racing experience. Races also help break up the monotony of training by providing intermediate goals, and are a great place to meet other marathoners, share experiences, and even find a training partner.
Races can be used to:
• Get in long training runs with split times and plenty of fluids, fuel, and company along the way. You can create a beneficial long run by running a few training miles prior to a race and then running the race at training pace. Do not attempt to combine long runs and races on the same weekend unless you run the race at training pace as part of your long run.
• Work on your pace. Running a few races from 5-18 miles at marathon pace will help you become familiar with that effort. A controlled run at marathon pace or slightly faster will help prepare you for your race-day pace.
• Measure progress and better select your marathon time goal. Hard race efforts (5Ks to half-marathons) can be used to compare your times to previous races of the same distance or to the same races from last year. A rough rule of thumb: Multiply your half-marathon time by two and add 10-15 minutes to approximate your marathon fitness. (Adjust times for hot weather and tough courses.)
Ideally, you should race at least once a month, but no more than twice a month. If you race more you can’t properly recover. Do not race or do hard speed training for approximately two weeks after races of 10 miles and longer, or for approximately a week after shorter races. Your last hard, long race should be no later than three weeks prior to the marathon, and your last hard, short race no later than two weeks prior to the marathon.
Crosstraining/Running Equivalents: You can minimize the wear and tear on your body by replacing up to 25 percent of your mileage with biking, swimming, deep water running, elliptical training, or other aerobic non-weight bearing exercises. Do these activities at a pace that will get your heart rate in your training range and count how many miles you would have run during the time spent doing the alternative training as “running equivalent mileage.”
Injury: Do not attempt to train if you are favoring an injury. Seek advice from a sports medicine expert who is familiar with runners. Replace running with crosstraining if possible while you recover. If an injury is threatening your health as you approach the ING New York City Marathon, note that you can cancel your spot and be guaranteed entry for next year’s race.
The Aftermarathon: You will need about a month to recover and rebuild after your marathon. For the first few days it may be best not to run while muscles repair. If you feel the need to exercise, stick to 30-60 minutes of walking or non-impact aerobic exercise; swimming is particularly therapeutic.
After about three or four days of not running, you may be ready to run easy (on a soft surface if possible) the rest of the week for 2-4 miles per day, or every other day, possibly alternating running and walking. Increase mileage the second week to no more than 25-50 percent of normal and to no more than 50-75 percent during the third and, perhaps, fourth post-marathon week. By the fourth or fifth week you may be ready to resume normal mileage.
Forget about how fast you run for awhile; run easy according to how you feel. The first goal is to gradually get back to running comfortably at your normal training pace without undue soreness or stiffness. Ease back into speed training gradually after about two to three weeks, and don’t race any distance until at least three to four weeks after the marathon. Ideally, don’t consider another marathon for at least six month
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
New York City Marathon Nov 2nd 2008
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8:19 AM
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